Full Name
Regina Grabrovac
Job Title
Food Programs Manager
Healthy Acadia
Speaker Bio
Regina Grabrovac (she/her) is a previous farmer and lifelong homesteader. For the last twelve years, in her role as Food Programs Manager at Healthy Acadia, Regina has managed various food programs across Washington County that help increase food security and access to healthy foods, including the Downeast Gleaning Initiative, Washington County Food Pantry Network, and several community gardens. Regina has decades of commercial and small scale organic farming experience and is an organic certification inspector for several state and international agencies. Currently, Regina is leading the on-the-ground efforts to develop the Downeast Restorative Harvest program, a large community garden based in Machias in partnership with the Washington County Jail and the Maine Department of Corrections. This program will provide opportunities for jail residents to participate in gardening and educational programming to support residents' ability to gain employment in their communities upon release, as well as to benefit their physical and mental health. Regina is an alumni of College of the Atlantic, holds a BA in Agricultural Economics from Marlboro College, and resides in East Machias where she continues to grow and procure much of her own food.
Regina Grabrovac